July 20 - Aug 2

PBC Adults will travel to East Asia to teach English to national elementary school teachers and to encourage the staff of an international school.

East Asia Team

East Asia Team

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who supported PBC GlobalOutreach during our Spring Break fundraising events. The Lord provided in a variety of ways and we had a lot of fun in the process.
We rode 593 miles for Ride to Reach and so far we've brought in over $300, with more pledges expected to be filled.
Sonic Night we had a lot of fun seeing everyone who came out to eat. Through the 10% that Sonic gave us on all sales from 5pm-8pm and the Community cards they gave us to sell, we raised around $300.
Date Night we enjoyed playing with kids and serving our church. The event brought in $244.
We are thankful to the Lord for His continued provision and look forward to how He will provide in the near future.

New Address?

The reason for the new address is simply that I made a mistake. When creating our blog, I was reviewing an old mission's handbook I had called "Global Passage". I didn't even realize that I had incorrectly addressed our blog until I went looking for it and couldn't find it under PBC Global Outreach.
So, now the old address is deleted and you should be able to find our blog easier with the correct name in the address.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Congratulations Team Members!

You have taken the first step on your journey! Each step of the way you will see God do amazing things in and through you! Having walked this same path myself, I can tell you it will take a lot of work, courage, faith, and a whole lot of praying! Know that Jeff and I are praying for you, along with a whole bunch of others! In the next days and weeks you will begin the process of preparing your heart, assembling your support team, and raising support for the task that God has called you to do. God is going to use you to change lives for eternity and the first life He is going to start with is yours!