July 20 - Aug 2

PBC Adults will travel to East Asia to teach English to national elementary school teachers and to encourage the staff of an international school.

East Asia Team

East Asia Team

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, July 26 - Continued

Today was our first day of teaching English at the school. We had about 35 teachers who registered to learn how to improve their English as well as how to teach it to their students. We had a very wide variety of English skill levels as well as a variety of different grade levels represented; this made our task very challenging! We needed to have something to offer them on a practical level and we also needed to begin building friendships. It was a challenging day mentally!

We started out with all of our “students” in a large group and began to evaluate their individual skill levels. After this, we broke up into small groups to practice some of the skills presented in large group. We broke for lunch and had a wonderful time visiting with some of the local teachers before beginning our afternoon session. Tomorrow, I think will offer some great opportunities for more personal interaction because we are planning to stay close to the school into the evening just to “hang out” with some of our students to allow us to get to know them better. What a blessing to get to know people on the other side of the globe, so different from us, yet all in God’s image. It’s a very humbling thought for me.

This evening, after dinner, we mapped out our game plan for tomorrow’s teaching lessons. I think we’re all looking forward to seeing what God has for us to learn as we go through this upcoming week. Please pray for endurance, wisdom and discernment as we interact with our “students”. Also please pray for Sarah, who is trying to fight off some sort of a cold.

Thank you so much PBC for allowing us this great opportunity to share God’s love with others.



Josiah White said...

That's awesome what you guy's are doing! I will certanly be praying for you all, and for God to give you whatever it is that yall need.

christina said...

Haha, you guys are amazing. Teaching English has been one of my least favorite things to do on the mission field. Grace and patience sent in big supply your way through our Dad!